rainbow chan

Rainbow Chan covers Silly Fucking Thing

Okay so this is pretty exciting. Sydney’s own electro-quirk-pop darling Rainbow Chan has just recorded and released a pretty little cover of Spookyland’s The Silly Fucking Thing! The track premiered this morning on Australian music blog Happy, who are currently sharing the cover on their exclusive Soundcloud page. Also here:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/150872404″ params=”color=000000&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Trading in Marcus’ gentle strumming for jagged synthesised jabs and switching out the pounding beats for melodic, complex trickling percussion, the track re-imagines the single through the eyes of Chan’s unique pop styling.

Rainbow, for those who don’t know, is one of Sydney’s most ecclectic songwriter/storytellers, crafting stories from distant and disparate memories and ideas and presenting them through a blend of acoustic and electronic instrumentation. We don’t represent Rainbow, but we’re massive fans of Sydney’s musical storytellers, and Chan just might the most unique of them all. Catch her headline NO GOOD‘s Winter show at the Petersham Bowling Club on the 8th of June.

As for Spookyland, you can catch his premiere show at Sydney’s FBi Social on the 13th of June alongside Atlas B Salvesen and The Tambourine Girls, the latter of whom released a fantastic EP on the 16th – give it a listen over at his soundcloud and grab yourself a copy from iTunes. Click here for more event information and click here for tickets.




