Author: Radi Safi

  • Jen Haynes

    Jen Haynes

    We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Jen Haynes as the head of the Monday Records publicity department. Okay… she’s the only person in her department but it’s a good start.

  • Circle – The Middle

    Circle – The Middle

    Part four of Circle’s making of feature is also the last in the series. See it here.

  • Happy has a New Home

    Happy has a New Home

    We’re pleased to announce that Happy has a new home. It will look and smell a little familiar for a while until our little web monkeys get it up and running just right. Many thanks to all the bands and venues that made Happy possible. So for all new music news please visit the new…

  • Atlas B Salvesen

    Atlas B Salvesen

    Atlas B Salvesen soft releases a demo of ‘Fruit Juice’ and is currently gearing up for his debut release in early 2012. We were lucky enough to have him join us during Happy late last year for an intimate solo show. Video below.

  • Site Update

    Site Update

    The Monday Records site is still in re-design mode so not everything is functioning as it should but will be soon. Also, Charli is real and Happy returns in 2012. Stay tuned.

  • The Middle Part three

    The Middle Part three

    looking forward to a bunch of new music from these guys very soon.

  • Site Redesign

    Site Redesign

    Monday Records site re-design is happening live. A lot isn’t working the way it should but will be very soon. We’re aiming to finish by the end of October. The goal? A community based Sydney Record Label that works in the way that a good blog does.

  • Making ‘the Middle’ Part 2

    Making ‘the Middle’ Part 2

    Circle are documenting the making of their album the middle in short bursts of video and audio grabs. Most of the recording has been done at Enmore Audio. Here’s part two:

  • Freelance Whales

    Freelance Whales

    please don’t play the match maker please don’t be a player hater if you dig her recent work then you should go congratulate her Mad props to the Dew Process crew for signing these guys last year. Sadly we have not heard any of it on Aussie radio yet but caught this on Youtube a…

  • Birds Means

    Birds Means

    GITNB launch crazy Middle East landscape clip.Yeah we dig it.